September Ceriaaa
Paling kaga itu judul lagunye si Vina Pandusiwi ehhhh salah Panduwinata... Hhuuuhhh, beratt banget September taon ini.. Pagi-sore di Sudirman, malem goes to Depok, pastinye ga pernah dapet duduk kl naek T102, palagi naek kereta (jangan pernah berharap dahh, bisa berdiri kanan-kiri lowong aja ud bagus)... Sabtu ikutan CCNA, sampe2 udah 3 kali bolos kuliah... huuhhh, konsentrasi jadi kepecahh coyyy... satu sertifikasi int'l, satu lagi kuliahh.... mmmhhhh..santayyyy (kata bang roma)..hehehe
I found your blog while surfing; one thing I have is a lot of time. It's good to see someone taking the time to do them right. I see yours is an open posting blog and that leaves you open to all sorts of things.
I recommend that you activate your "Word Verification For Comments" if you want to put a stop to all the “Auto-Posting” that’s going on. (I get a lot of it. Of course that’s a two edged sword that I can swing.)
I'm posting this message on your blog with the idea that you may want to turn your blog into a real moneymaker. If not than please just delete with my sincere apologies.
I'm working on a blog that's related to blood pressure. I had a brain injury and my blog is how I'm replacing my income. Stop by if you have a couple of minutes. --> blood pressure.
Are you interested in using your blog to make some money? This is one of the best
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BTW. You can get a #1 spot on Yahoo with no charge from them. Sort of a back door entrance to Yahoo.
Thank you for your time and the best of luck to you.
RBT, at 6:46 PM
thank you for your comment.. thanks
olinxk, at 7:22 PM
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